
The purpose of higher education has been a focus in the way business collects data for our customers, employees and management for tracking purposes in growth. In everyday business the way your customers overall experience in the way employees conduct themselves to their needs and the knowledge of communication throughout a company by making home directories be the new social network in a company.

Management and employees need to know why evaluating business priorities change in the growth process. The vision of complex directory and homepage strategic design for announcements, benefits, focusing on challenging our employees with educational projects, and workforce projects would be presented through syllabus and outline online for tracking purposes, products for outgoing and delivered of product leaving and receiving from vendors will only be accepted when vendor signs thru tablet invoice where edits are made upon arrival.

Everyone is accountable for data error and numbers not meeting invoice p-card tracking. The only way to provide accurate data is holding everyone accountable for a business to be successful.


All the music, actors, athletes, movies, shows, clubs, art are now funded by the United States government. Data will now never be lost and management will not need to go through that process of losing the wrong or right person on their team. I searched of the best sponsor to make others dream happen. I choose to innovate everyone together and to help our youth in their future. Love what I do and proud that I was able to be apart of history. Our youth and adults have forgotten they have a choice and that opinions are not facts. You do not need to do anything you are not comfortable doing because we are all beautiful no matter who we are and what we do. They will forever be free to say what they want and be with whom they want. no one will be able to control any of these events after me, and here is to our future and their careers. I wish you all the happiness in the world. The money obviously will go to the communities, environments, non-profit, churches, schools, colleges, universities, libraries, hospitals, housing authorities, welfare, SSI, and shelters.


Being Creative and Passionate about love, foster care, children of our future, family, relationships, friendships, music, actors, athletes, movies, shows,  cable, mobile, clubs, art, homeless, legal, police, volunteer work, immigration, gay marriage, no racism or discrimination, legalizing weed, community service and above are other business I have been affiliated over the past couple of years have been apart of my life. After investigating, I found out why these particular topics have been lost and why the youth morals, values, and integrity are confused. Wanted the world and the fighting to between countries to stop, for us to be united as one, the way we should be.

Always knew I would make a difference in this world. I said, I would help make this world into a better place with who I am and my values, my morals, and my integrity to lead our children’s, children could live in a better environment. 

Thank you to all the people that have been a part of this process. Would have loved to meet you in person, but it has been great working with you all and work with you all in the future if needed. Appreciate and honored for the support of my new family members in the public eye for all your hard work and to Barack Obama our president of the United States and wife, Michelle Obama.

Creative Commons License
The American Dream – Project Management by Elena Flores is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at www.linkedlin.com/in/elenaflores185.